Thigh & Knee Movement Anatomy

Improve your posture and have more energy from learning and applying the information on knees, thighs and the movement and postural muscle differences


Thigh Bone

Understand the thigh bone as the connection from the hip to the shinbone. This bone is also part of your knee joint

Knee Joint

Learn how this joint with 3 movement dimensions can be directed for effortless standing and walking

Thigh Muscles

Add extra dimensions to your knee stability and discover the muscular foundation of a stable pelvis

Here's why you need to take this course

Learning from this course can help you to take control of your knees, balance and pelvic stability

The knee is vital for stable standing and walking.
Learn to use and take care of this important and largest joint of your body.
Together with the thigh muscles, the knee supports pelvic and hip stability.

This course explains hyperextension of the knees and how these joints can be supported from all four directions. Improve your posture and have more energy from learning and applying the information on movement and postural muscle differences.

In this course you get:
- 10 instructional videos
- 10 downloadable PDFs with all the information from the videos
- one knowledge testing quiz
- lifetime access

Topics include:
- Thigh bone
- Thigh muscles
- Adductor muscle highlights
- Knee joint anatomy and functions
- Knee hyperextension
- Posture and movement muscles

This course can count as two hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance

Get the Thigh & Knee Movement Anatomy Course Today

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